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Ayabaca – PERU

11 October 2022

A pilgrim with pictures of relatives crawls as part of their pilgrimage to reach the sacred image of the Captive Lord of Ayabaca.

SUMMARY: The pilgrimage of the Captive Lord of Ayabaca is the second largest in Peru, it attracts thousands of faithful in search of redemption.

Thousands of penitents walk and crawl as a sign of penance, because they have made a promise to the Captive Lord or to pay for favors received. There are pilgrims who walk more than 250 km to cure an illness, resolve a legal matter, improve their economic income, find work, or satisfy some need. Some faithful make the journey kneeling, or lying on the ground, others carry a cross that weighs a little more than 70 kilos. The sound of the drums, of the tambourines, are confused with the muffled songs and the cries.
